An overview of the classes we offer; please get in touch for more information and times. NEW KC GCDTS PUPPY FOUNDATION COURSE STARTING ON 26TH OCTOBER 2024
CLASSES; WE only have small classes of 6 to 8 dogs and handlers. We train in a relaxed friendly atmosphere. We run our own assessment throughout each course and you can also take the Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Puppy Foundation, Bronze, Silver and Gold tests.
We are lucky to have a fantastic venue where we have been for 12 years, with a huge carpark and both indoor and outdoor training.
REACTIVE DOG CLASSES; I do not agree with having dogs that bark or are reactive towards other dogs in a mainstream class situation; it can be very stressful for handlers and dogs alike and inhibit learning. So we hold specific classes for reactive/barky dogs where they can undergo individually tailored tuition until they can be hopefully integrated into the mainstream classes.
My classes are real life dog training classes. We aim to give you some skills that you can use in everyday real life situations with your dog. We promote responsible dog ownership and strive to make owners fully aware of the laws and regulations concerning dogs.
All training is structured and geared towards building the relationship between you and your dog. Most of all we have fun!
ONE TO ONE TRAINING; We can offer one to one training for those unable to attend club, or to address or spend more time on specific issues. Some people prefer to train on a one to one basis as opposed to being in a class environment.
BEHAVIOURAL CONSULTATION; for aggressive dogs and problems and issues of a behavioural type.
PUPPY /DOG SELECTION; Many dogs are returned or taken to rescue because they are not the right dog for the owner. We can help you in deciding which would be the right dog for you to fit in with your family your personality, lifestyle and circumstances. We will visit the breeder and rescue centre with you and assess any potential dog and match you to the right dog for you.
PREPARING YOUR DOG FOR THE ARRIVAL OF A BABY; it can be a huge shock to a dog who has had his owners to himself for sometime and then suddenly a baby appears! it is essential to prepare your dog for such an event. this training can begin a few months before baby's arrival so that by the time the baby comes, the dog will be accepting of the new arrival. unfortunately there are more and more cases of babies and young children being injured or sadly, killed by dogs, so it is therefore crucial that parents are aware of how a dog perceives a baby or small child, and that parents teach their children how to interact with dogs.
SEMINALS AND EVENTS; We regularly run seminars and events for professional dog trainers and behaviourists and for pet dog owners.
DOG AID; I am a registered instructor with Dog A.I.D. (Assistance in Disability),
Dog A.I.D. is a registered charity that helps people with physical disabilities train their own dogs.
Rapport; "Where two beings understand each other beyond the words"